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Friday, March 22, 2013

Professor Chinua Achebe Is Dead

Chinua Achebe, one of the world’s most celebrated writers and author of the classic novel Things Fall Apart, is dead.

Achebe died in a hospital in Boston, Massachusetts. He had been sick for some time. He was 82 years old.

Feeling very sad to hear about the loss :'(

Oh my heart, if one should say to you that the soul perishes like the body, 
Answer thus: The flower withers, but the seed remains.

You will always live in our hearts

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

70 yrs Old Twin Prostitutes Retire After Having Sex With 355,000 Men

They say, 'one man's food is another man's poison,' but for Louise and Martine Fokkens, 70 year old twin sisters, believed to be Amsterdam’s oldest prostitutes, they've decided to call it quit from their decades old career in prostitution.

The pair retired after more than 50 years each in the sex trade upon realizing they are too old for the business after claiming to have slept with 355,000 men between them in a combined 100-year career..

According to Louise, a mother of four, her arthritis now makes some sexual positions ‘too painful’. While Martine, a mother-of-three admits she is finding it hard to attract new punters – except one elderly man who still comes for his weekly sado-maschism session.

"I couldn’t give him up. He’s been coming to me for so long it’s like going to church on a Sunday." She said.

The twin sisters, known for their identical dressing in red clothes became prostitutes before the age of 20 to survive financially after escaping violent relationship.

While they reminiscence upon the ‘golden years’ of the profession before prostitution was legalized in Netherlands, Louise said, ‘It is very different now. We used to sit in the windows with clothes on. Today they are totally naked.'

"The legalisation of brothels in 2000 has not improved prostitutes’ lives." Martine added.

According to them, there is no point working just for tax. They explained that more girls are working from the internet and from home – you are less likely to be spotted by the taxman.

Martine and Louise said they now hoped to be able to live off their earnings from the book and film rights.

They were the subject of a documentary film last year called Meet the Fokkens, and have now written a book about their combined 100-years of sexual exploits called The Ladies of Amsterdam.

My people, what do you call this? Legalized madness ko?


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